Whether one accepts the Varna system or not; one doesn't deny that chanting of Vedas, Mantras and Hymns bring good to earth . Brahmins (or Brahma kula vidyadagar) are the ones who chant Vedas, Mantras etc with vigor and rigor
This has been continued for ages - the Brahmins were ministers, Kula Gurus (Samarta Ramadas - for Chatrapathi Shivaji) etc.
What was supposed to be an unshaken resolve (of not having Meat, Alcohol) even during the British Rule (remember the Vow Gandhi gave to his mother) is now shaken. The Globalization and the western cultural impact brought in by IT/ITES and BPO companies are turning many young brahmins towards alchohol and non-vegetarianism
KFC - the renowed Chicken restaurant opened up in Mylapore - a Brahmin dominated area and found their sales go north .. thanks to Meat eating Brahmins.
Brahmin children visit Bars often. This needs to be stopped! If there needs to be rain, if there needs to be Dharma .. then Brahmins should be Brahmins!
How .. Have your say!
Typical Madurai Non-Veg Restaurant in Selaiyur